“More Cowbell” SNL Sketch

When THE Bruce Dickinson wanst more cowbell, you give him more cowbell. Uploaded by battlefront.com.
Has any music producer included a cowbell as background since April 8, 2000, when Saturday Night Live ran the famous “More Cowbell” sketch? I know I laugh at any oldie with a cowbell in it now, and I have to thank music producer The Bruce Dickinson (Christopher Walken) for those chuckles.
I won’t take time to actually describe the skit, because I’m going to link to a video of it, and you can see it (or see it again) below. The brilliant Will Ferrell wrote the sketch, and portrays mad cowbell player Gene Frenkle as the band blasts the opening bars to Blue Oyster Cult’s hit “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” Ferrell, in a shirt probably two sizes too small, rocks with intensity, and The Bruce Dickinson comes in after each take and wants more cowbell. It’s a simple concept, but Ferrell and Walken made it into a timeless highlight.
Walken is amazed at how well known the bit is. He said a few years ago, “I was eating in a restaurant in Singapore, and an Asian couple was at the next table, and the guy turned to me and he said, ‘Chris, you know what this salad needs?’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘More cowbell.'” Unfortunately, I can’t embed it, but it’s available as of this writing here: