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Film: Schindler’s List

Schindler's List, a film about saving the lives of Jews during World War II, seen on

Schindler's List is the most expensive black and white film ever made. Without adjusting for inflation, though, it's also the highest-grossing b/w film ever made. Uploaded by

Schindler’s List is Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece. And that’s quite a statement. It tells the true story of German businessman Oskar Schindler, a not particularly sympathetic character at first who exploits cheap Jewish labor in his factory. However, he comes to see the true horror of the holocaust, and saves the lives of some 1,100 Jews.

Spielberg directed Schindler’s List to have  a documentary look. He said he “got rid of the crane, got rid of the

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Steadicam, got rid of the zoom lenses, got rid of everything that for me might be considered a safety net.” Shot in black and white, it’s said that no green items were allowed on the set because green didn’t look good on black and white film.

The film earned Best Picture honors and Spielberg was selected Best Director in the 1994 Academy Awards. It also took home five other Oscars. The American Film Institute’s list of 100 Years…100 Movies put Schindler’s List at number 8 – the only movie made since 1980 to place in the top 20.


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One Comment

  1. In the top 5 of my favorite movies, along with Gone with the Wind, Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, and Gentlemen’s Agreement. Don’t ask me to put them in order though. I just can’t do that. Oh and the Best Years of our Lives, Mrs. Minniver, The Five Pennies, Magnificent Obsession…okay, I have a lot of top five favorites.