Food: Snickers

Peanuts, nougat, caramel, and chocolate in a candy bar that's sold more than any candy in history. Uploaded by
Here’s one of those rare topics where not much needs to be said. If you like candy bars, especially if you like peanuts, you love Snickers.
It’s ranked as America’s fourth-favorite candy, behind M&Ms, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (Great American Things, March 14, 2010), and Hershey chocolate bars. Snickers is the best-selling candy bar of all time, largely because it has been popular ever since its introduction in 1930.
Made by Mars, Inc., Snickers was named after the Mars family’s favorite horse. And while you can now buy Snickers ice cream, Snickers dark chocolate, and dozens of other extensions, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as the thick chocolate and nougat and peanuts in the original.
One good way to enjoy Snickers is to buy an extra bag of the miniatures for Halloween. Then when the kids don’t show up, you have the bag for yourself!