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Song: "Forever and Ever, Amen"

There have been numerous rankings of the top country songs of all time, and you'll always find this classic Randy Travis song near the top. Uploaded by

There’s a genuineness to Randy Travis that draws people to him. That sincerity, combined with a terrific country voice and some excellent lyrics, made “Forever and Ever, Amen” a number one country hit, and perhaps Travis’s signature song.

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Writers Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz did a wonderful job of expressing a lifetime commitment, and it only took them three minutes and thirty-one seconds. In NuTsie’s ranking of the top 100 country songs of all time, “Forever and Ever, Amen” came in number seven. In’s list, it was number 34. PopMatters has it at number 59, and Country Music Television has it at 15.

The song won the 1987 Grammy for Best Country & Western Song, and the Academy of Country Music honored it as the Song of the Year.


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