Appreciating all that makes America special

Holiday: Conversation Hearts

Which do you think is better, old sayings like BE MINE or new ones like UR HOT?

The primary manufacturer of conversation hearts in America, the NECCO candy company, makes more than 8 billion of them each year. That’s enough for everyone in the world to have a conversation. What shall we talk about, then?

In truth, we don’t have to talk anymore to have a conversation. Because the hearts now say “Tweet me”… “Text me”… “IM me”… and “E-mail me.” The public also suggested other sayings, so this year you’ll see “BFF”… “LOL”… and “UR hot”.

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Of course, if you’re old-fashioned – and what better day to be old-fashioned than Valentine’s Day? – you can still find such classic favorites as “Kiss me” … “So fine”… “One kiss”… and even “Marry me.”

NECCO’s popular Sweethearts feature new flavors this year. They’re now available in Strawberry, Grape, Green Apple, Lemon, Orange and Blue Raspberry. Supposedly they’re softer and taste less like Rolaids. But I don’t think people buy these things looking for great candy, do they? I sure hope not. They may change the flavors, and even the sayings, but conversation hearts are as much a part of Valentine’s Day as shoe boxes with a slit cut in the top for classmates to drop in your Valentines.

What, they don’t do that in school anymore? Oh, what today’s kids are missing.


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